Welcome To My Site!

Quick links: My youtube channelMy Facebook Page

What is this website ?

This is my own personal website, and at the same time is where I write my blog posts for my YouTube own channel, where I talk about a lot of different topics mainky through student perspective of the topic or throw sharing my experiences, success and fails with people.

Why website's posts ?

Generally speaking, aside my own topics that I talk about in my YouTube channel, I might write about a topic that is a mix of alot of other YouTube Channels or websites, that might not be that popular or hard to reach, for example let's say I was searching for a certain topic, I found it hard to find resources for such a a topic, after I learn it and gain knowledge I would share the knowledge I gained on my website and YouTube channel in simple words and in two languages, Arabic and English.

A word about the website

Since I was 9 I dreamt of building a website for myself and with myself and here it is, what really I wanted is to make a social media website like Facebook but it ended like that, a blog to share my experience in may branches 🙂.


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